Sunday, May 04, 2003

"when it seems that money on a blog is always a cramped little hotel room"

Spotted by Kevin

From Rob's Amazing Poem Generator (which will turn any website into poetry for you):

Once again, as an escape from productive labor, I have resorted to programming. This one generates poetry. This poem was generated from

Miscellany Except as
one can you a hover {
color: 003366; } .a:
car around.. bymiddle and as libertarian
when it seems that money
on a blog is always a
cramped little
hotel room as
read here, Miscellany about and
present coworkers who needs the
newspaper 300
reasons why
His living
room as you can
bend the truth. Hownoble.Which
Osbourne You emulsify and have recently been
them and you can
violate the Vampire Slayer fails to win the pair is a
good thing.